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Observability for Containerized Microservices (or: How not to Fly Blind)

When you deal with containerized microservices, for example in Kubernetes, you can not afford to fly blind. This means you need to deal with different signal types, including traces and logs that tell you what happens across the request path, as well as metrics for the health and performance status.

In this talk we review the CNCF observability (o11y) ecosystem including projects such as OpenTelemetry, Prometheus, and Fluent Bit and discuss good practices around using o11y tooling.


* What observability (o11y) means
* What most common signal types are
* What telemetry is and the available options
* How to instrument and consume signals
* Assess the value and RoI of o11y



Michael Hausenblas
Michael Hausenblas is a Principal Product Developer Advocate in the AWS container service team, covering observability, service meshes, and Kubernetes. Before AWS, Michael worked at Red Hat, Mesosphere, MapR, and in two research institutions in Ireland and Austria.


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