Extending Enterprise systems with Kubernetes, Istio and Open Service Broker

Tired of struggling with enterprise software customizations?

In this talk, we’ll look into one example of how to make simple things simple again. We’ll present a side-by-side extension environment based on Kubernetes from the ground up, allowing developers to customize the functionality of enterprise systems, using business events and HTTP triggers. It makes use of Istio Service Mesh, benefits from Kubeless and relies on NATS for message routing.

We'll go deep into the technology stack, looking at each of the components and exploring what factors lead to the choice of technology and what alternatives we've left out of the equation. We’ll also look into how that fits into the broader Cloud-native ecosystem and what potential synergies we see with other CNCF projects.


* Basic idea of Kubernetes and containers.
* Enthusiasm to renovate existing software.


* Understanding on how to build small and flexible applications on top of Kubernetes.
* See the benefits of event-based application extensions and how they impact software lifecycle.
* Practical experience in building a simple application extension.



Johannes Engelke
Johannes Engelke arbeitet als Architekt und Product Owner Serverless bei SAP Customer Experience in München. In dieser Rolle ist er für die Function-as-a-Service-Funktion in Kyma/SAP Cloud Platform Extension Factory verantwortlich. Davor hat er mehrere Jahre Cloud Foundry (Open-Source-Version) für Hybris as a Service (YaaS) betrieben und weiterentwickelt.


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