Monitoring with Kubernetes & Prometheus

Kubernetes makes it easy to deploy hundreds of microservices. A big challenge however is to monitor them. In this talk, we will give an overview of monitoring concepts, present important metrics including the four golden signals and show how to implement alerting rules. In the hands-on part we will then show you how to implement Prometheus on Kubernetes. In detail, we will demonstrate the following:

* Getting started with Prometheus
* Using the expression browser
* Start the node exporter
* Configure Prometheus to monitor the node exporter
* Use prometheus-operator
* Monitor kubernetes components and etcd
* Learn the expression language
* Instrument code and run example-app based on Go or Python
* Run Grafana Dashboard
* Write example-app alert


  • ab 10.00 Registrierung und Begrüßungskaffee

  • 11.00: Beginn

  • 12.30 - 13.30: Mittagspause

  • 15.00 - 15.15: Kaffeepause

  • 16.30 - 16.45: Kaffeepause

  • ca. 18 Uhr: Ende

Technische Anforderungen:
Laptop/Notebook with Browser (Preferably Chrome/Chromium)



Matthias Loibl
Matthias Loibl is a Software Engineer at Loodse. He loves working on Distributed Systems with Go, Docker, Kubernetes & Prometheus. In his free time, he contributes to numerous open source projects related to Prometheus and Drone.

Jason Murray
Jason Murray is a Senior Infrastructure Architect at Loodse. He has contributed to both Kubernetes and Container Linux, focusing on large scale bare metal deployments. Prior to joining Loodse, Jason worked as an Operations Engineer at Collins and was Head of Development at Contetto.


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