Frequent Releases and Major Changes

At Vinted, we're big fans of continuous deployment. Our code is deployed hundreds of times per day into production. While offering a lot of advantages, continuous deployment also introduces its own set of challenges. Release of major changes, like big features or considerable refactorings, is one of them. How to release a sizeable improvement without stopping deploying continuously?

Mindaugas will answer that in this talk. He'll talk about Vinted experiences with tools/practices like feature flags, AB testing, scientist and more.


General familiarity with Continuous Deployment ideas.


Change how attendees think about big releases. Learn to recognise the difference between a deployment and a release.



Mindaugas Mozūras
Mindaugas Mozūras is a software developer, book reader, speaker, movie lover and an all­around geek. Most of the time these days he spends doing his darned best to help make second­hand the first choice worldwide as Head of Engineering at Vinted, the highest valued startup in the Baltics. When he's not doing that, Mindaugas contributes back to software development community. He has made significant contributions to open source with his own projects and improvements to existing ones. Mindaugas is also a frequent speaker at software development community events, sharing his personal experience and that of Vinted engineering team.


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