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01.01.1970, 01:00 Uhr

How a full stack observability platform works - case study: e-commerce site

In this workshop you will learn about how an observability platform works, and how it can be used to combine telemetry data into one place to improve reliability, user experience, performance, and observability driven development.

Taking a sample e-commerce site as a project, you will get practical experience on how to capture telemetry data, understand the different data types (MELT), add custom data specific to the business, analyse business and performance data with queries and charts, and see how that data can be used to troubleshoot and alert on issues or performance.


* Basic knowledge of monitoring would be an advantage


* Observability platforms and Observability Driven Development
* Telemetry data types (MELT) and OpenTelemetry
* Instrumenting services
* Custom attributes to add business context
* Analyse data with queries and dashboards
* Alerts and Incidents
* Synthetic web testing with scripted browsers



9.00-10.00 Observability and ingesting telemetry data
  • Introduction: observability platforms for modern development
  • Telemetry data: types (MELT) and sources
  • Capturing data with agents
  • OOTB metrics and charts
  • Get an e-commerce application reporting data - server side, client side
10.00-11.00 Combine business metrics with performance data
  • Querying data and custom charts
  • Introduction to Data Explorer and NRQL
  • Custom events and attributes
  • Add custom attributes about website orders
  • Build performance and business KPI charts for an e-commerce website
11.00-11.30 Break

11.30-1.00 Alerts
  • Alerts across the stack
  • Notification Channels and Webhooks
  • How ML can help to surface Anomalies
  • Create alerts for an ecommerce website
Automated Web testing
  • Proactive monitoring - RUM vs synthetic
  • Test types: ping, performance, & scripted tests for functionality/API’s
  • Create automated tests for an e-commerce website


Technische Anforderungen:

In order to be able to actively participate in the workshop, the following tools or accounts are required:
The following are optional:



Liam Hurrel
Liam Hurrel is Senior Technical Training Specialist at New Relic.


New Relic
Microsoft Azure
Palo Alto Networks


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